All of our programs are completely customized to the client; over 250 clients and not one single copy/paste cookie cutter program.
We are here to make YOUR goals a reality.
Contest Prep
Whether it’s your first show or your tenth show, it is always helpful to have an experienced and knowledgeable eye watching over you. Using evidence-based research, and scientific, experience based approaches with no “Bro-Science”; our goal is to bring you in with your best physique, as well as your healthiest; both mind and body. Our goal is to not only help you physically through your journey, but we are ALWAYS there for you mentally as well through this tough battle; every step of the way.
Weekly Check-Ins (Daily Under 6 Weeks Out)
Customized nutrition with consistent updates
Customized training program specific for your body and it’s strengths/weaknesses
Powerlifting Nutrition
Are you not competitive enough in your current weight class? Do you want to cut 10, 15, 20, even 30 pounds to get into a new weight class without losing strength? Or maybe you just want to optimize your strength in your current class? Powerlifting is all about nutrient timing, and utilizing the proper fuel source that our body needs in this activity. Even while dropping weight, it is more than possible to optimize our time spent in the gym. Trust us, we’ve done it.
Help peak you for a meet, or make weight cuts
Weekly Check-Ins
Customized nutrition with constant updates
Athletic Performance Optimization
Looking to get the most out of your sport? Feeling sluggish by the second half? Your fuel tank may be running a little low. Different sports require the use from different energy systems; this means we need to fuel our body differently depending on your sport. We are here to educate you, and to help you be the best athlete you can be by properly fueling you towards your best game.
Weekly Check-Ins
Customized nutrition with constant updates based on sport/primary energy system
Customized sport specific training programs based on position
Lifestyle Clients
For those who just want to live a healthier lifestyle, gain more confidence, lose anywhere from 5-300 pounds, or you’re simply that average gym goer that just wants to build a little muscle and need that extra push. This service is for everybody and their mother, you get to eat the foods you enjoy with multiple lists of options for each meal of the day; there is no reason for you not to see progress.
Weekly Check-Ins
Customized nutrition based on foods you like, and multiple options per meal; with constant updates
Customized training program based on the exercises that work for you and your goals